Nollywood actress Adesua Etomi who married her beau, Banky W traditionally today and is having the time of her life, will be surprised to know that her wedding outfit designer @Tojufoyeh was called out by another designer @Segungele accusing her of stealing his design. Toju Foyeh who did not take this lightly in this mood of celebration, gave the man a little taste of her pudding, warding him off her page forever incase of future re-occurrence. Although Segun said he meant no harm, Foyeh obviously will have none of it. See their exchange below. Segun wrote: “OK so! Was this dress actually designed for #susu@adesuaetomi or it was Copied Am not starting a mess o! It’s just my Observation as we see “I want you believe a party Guest” at #BAAD2017 wearing same design but the report from the designer reads different! SWIPE TO SEE FOR YA SEF! #Repost@tojufoyeh ・・・ Fabric + sketch for @adesuaetomi Edo traditional outfit. We had to alter the sketch and make it ...